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Humidity in Home

What is the Recommended Humidity Level for Your Home?

Humidity, you can live with it and you can’t live without. But when it comes to humidity levels inside your home, you might be surprised how it important it really is. If you’re not sure what the right humidity level for your home is, read on to learn why humidity is important and how to gauge how much is too much.

Why Humidity is Important

While most people associate humidity with stifling heat, it's actually necessary to have the right levels inside your home. Proper humidity levels not only keeps your HVAC unit running efficiently, but it also helps to keep your skin moisturized and your respiratory system working properly.

Too much humidity inside your home can cause mold growth, which in turn can cause respiratory issues and destroy your home's interior. If you're not sure where to look for signs of mold, a qualified HVAC professional can go into further detail about where to look for signs of mold growth.

On the other hand, when humidity levels are too low, indoor air quality suffers. Air that's too dry can cause respiratory issues such a dry cough. It can also cause your skin to become too dry as well.

What is the Right Humidity Level?

When it comes to humidity, everyone is different. Some people enjoy higher levels while others prefer lower levels, just enough to keep the air moist. As a rule of thumb, humidity levels inside your home should be range between 30 to 50 percent. This will prevent overgrowth of microorganisms while keeping the air fresh.

What Happens When the Humidity is too High or Low?

When humidity levels inside your home are too low, you may start to experience respiratory issues. Dry cough, wheezing and asthma-like symptoms can appear in people without underlying medical issues. In addition, when levels are too low, the wood inside your home might start to crack and the tile can even start to peel.

To the contrary, when levels are too high, the air inside your home may start to feel sticky. You might also notice condensation forming on your windows. Asthma sufferers may also see an exacerbation of their symptoms.

Regulating Indoor Humidity

In addition to having your HVAC maintained annually, investing in a high-quality humidifier can help regulate humidity levels inside your home. If you're not sure which type is best, a HVAC professional can make recommendations about which will work best inside your home.

If you think there may be an issue with the humidity levels inside your home, we're here to help. Contact Romano Brothers today and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have.