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5 New Year's Resolution for Your HVAC System

5 New Year's Resolution for Your HVAC System

The new year is a great time to approach things, including your HVAC system, with a new mindset. Whether you're interested in upgrading your system or working to maintain the one you currently have, here are five New Year's resolutions to make for your HVAC system.

1. Regularly Change the Filter

Changing the air filter in your HVAC system is easy to do, but it is often forgotten. Make a resolution to mark your calendar and change your system's air filter regularly. When you run your system the most, you'll want to plan to change the filter once a month in the winter and summer months. When temperatures become milder, you can space out filter replacement to once every three months.

Although it might not seem like a big deal, regular filter replacement makes a huge difference in your HVAC system. Fresh filters will help prevent dust and dirt from getting into the system and causing it to break down. A clean air filter will also improve air quality within your home by removing harmful particles and increasing airflow.

2. Get a Smart Thermostat

If your current system is a few decades old, you probably have a manual thermostat. Older thermostats are still effective in allowing you to change the temperature within your home, but they lack some helpful, energy-efficient benefits that a smart thermostat can offer.

Smart thermostats allow you to program heating and cooling temperatures throughout the day, meaning that your system is only on when necessary. For instance, you can program your thermostat to lower the temperature in your home when you're not at there or at night when you're asleep. Smart thermostats can even connect to your Wi-Fi network, allowing you to change the temperature in your home from a mobile device. These benefits can lead to significant savings on your utility costs.

3. Schedule Regular Maintenance

Experts recommend that you have someone take a look at your systems on an annual basis. You'll probably want to schedule maintenance for your air conditioning system in the spring and your heating system for the fall. It's important to have each of these systems checked out and tuned up before turning them on for the season.

4. Add a Zoning System

If you have a reasonably large home, it can be challenging to regulate the temperature in every room. Zoning systems work by using dampers that connect to electrical sensors, which allow you to specify temperatures for different zones of your home. This ensures a comfortable temperature in each area of your home.

5. Upgrade Your System

Central air conditioners typically last 10 to 15 years, and furnaces usually last 15 to 20. If your systems reach the end of their lifespans, you will want to prepare to replace them soon. HVAC systems can be a big investment, but newer models offer a lot of great energy-efficient benefits.

If you're looking to maintain or replace your HVAC system, reach out to the professionals at Romano Bros Heating and Air to schedule an appointment, or to learn more about our services.
