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Expecting Mothers

How Does Indoor Air Pollution Affect Expecting Mothers?

Pregnancy is a time where your body goes through several changes. While you get ready to meet your new baby boy or girl, you're likely going to be doing some research on what to expect during the process. Air pollution is one of those areas that doesn't always get a lot of press. However, it's so important to know the things that could harm your body so that you can protect you and your unborn child from illness.

The Dangers Of Air Pollution

Air pollution can significantly impact babies and their mothers during pregnancy and after. With spending a large amount of your time indoors, it's important to think about your home's HVAC system and how it affects you. Let's take a look at some of the most common adverse conditions that you or your baby may experience due to air pollution.

Low Birth Weight

Full-term babies typically weigh anywhere between six and nine pounds when they're born. When they weigh five pounds, 8 ounces or less they're considered a low birth weight. Studies have revealed that mothers who lived in highly polluted areas tended to give birth to babies that weighed less than mothers who lived in areas with low pollution.

Preterm Birth

Babies that are born before week 37 are considered preterm. These babies tend to be at a higher risk of developing permanent physical disabilities and neurological disorders. Studies by the Stockholm Environment Institute or SEI revealed that 18 percent of all preterm births in 2010 were due to exposure of fine particulate matter.


Living in areas that are highly polluted due to vehicle emissions and other particulate matter can increase a baby's risk of developing asthma. Most mothers will report the signs of asthma in their children by the age of 5.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Studies have revealed that mothers who are exposed to air pollution in their third trimester are at a higher risk for having children with an autism spectrum disorder.

Tips For Protecting Against Air Pollution At Home

To protect your unborn child, there are some necessary steps you should take. First, you should have annual HVAC maintenance performed on your system. This will allow your HVAC specialist to test the air quality in your home and make suggestions for improving it if needed. Your HVAC professional can also help to make suggestions for improving the ventilation inside of your home. Letting in fresh air often can help to dilute air that is polluted.

Call Us Today

If you're worried about potential air pollution inside of your home, then it's time to give the experts at Romano Bros. Heating & Air a call. Our helpful staff can assist you in determining the air quality in your home and implement solutions for enhancing it.