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Heater Blowing Cold Air

Why is My Heater Blowing Cold Air?

As winter draws in and the weather gets colder, you want to be able to turn on your heater and have it blow warm, comforting air into your space. If this doesn’t happen and it blows cold air, this can be incredibly frustrating and disconcerting. It may even require calling in an HVAC professional to help with the problem.

There are many reasons why your HVAC system might be blowing cold air. A few of these are listed below.

The Thermostat Has Been Changed

Should your furnace be blowing cold air throughout your home, the first thing you’ll want to check is the thermostat. It’s possible that someone else in your home changed the setting. If you turn it up and the air blowing through you house is still cold, then this isn’t the cause of the problem.

The Pilot Light Has Gone Out

If you have an older furnace, then it’s possible that the pilot light has gone out. When this occurs, your furnace can’t heat the air like it’s supposed to. However, that doesn’t mean that your system will stop working. It will blow cold air through your home until you call in an HVAC professional to relight your pilot light.

The Filter is Dirty

When the filter on your furnace gets dirty, it makes it so that air doesn’t move through the system the way it should. If it can’t move into the chamber and be heated properly, then you will have cold air being blown around your home. Changing the filter regularly will ensure you have warm air and keep your furnace running optimally.

The Flame Sensor is Dirty

The flame sensor is responsible for letting your furnace know if the burner is producing enough warmth. If the sensor is dirty, it will assume that it is producing enough heat. To test to see if this is the cause, you’ll want to turn your furnace off and then turn it back on. If the air feels warm for a few minutes and then gets cold, your sensor is more than likely dirty.

You will need to call in an HVAC professional to help you with this task. The cleaning process involves opening up the gas burner to access the sensor. If you don’t know what you’re doing or you do it incorrectly, you could cause major damage to your furnace.

If you are experiencing cold air coming from your furnace or you have other questions about your heating system, fill out our online form or contact us for some answers.