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Is It Bad to Use Expensive Air Filters in My HVAC System?
The type of air filter you use can determine how well your indoor air quality will be. Find out if using an expensive air filter makes a difference.
Should You Use Cheap or Expensive HVAC Filters?
Every home requires a specific type of HVAC filter for optimal airflow. Learn more about the difference between buying a cheap and expensive filter.
How to Locate Your Home's Air Filters
As a new homeowner, you may be wondering where you can locate your air filters. Here are a few easy steps on how to locate them and replace them.
Troubleshooting Your HVAC This Spring
You may experience a malfunction or two with your HVAC system this Spring. Find out how to troubleshoot these basic issues at Romano Bros. Heating & Air.
Which Harmful Particles Can Air Purifiers Remove?
Removing harmful particles in your home is beneficial to those suffering from allergies. Discover which particles air purifiers work to remove in homes.
Can Plants Really Improve Indoor Air Quality?
When you have better indoor air quality, you have a healthier home for your entire family. The thought is that plants can help detoxify toxins in poor air quality and produce more pure oxygen for your family to breathe.
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